Kenya is my country and i love it, its full of life, the climate is wonderful and you will love anything you come across in this land. We are about 40 millions and we have 42 known tribes. All races are found and am a proud Kenyan because of this, welcome all, Kenya Hakuna Matata.
Kenya has is known as an Irland of peace as most of he neighbours are in conflicts most of the times. This does not mean that all was well all those years, no but the magnitude were less for media attentions.
In 2007, elections, our beloved Kenya was put in hall of shame by some few politicians and their gangs of terror. Back in 1991 when the KANU government agreed under pressure to repeal section 2(A) and allowed multipartism, the then President Moi, liked saying that Kenya will be divided on tribal lines and peace will never prevail. Moi liked 'threatening' Kenyans on his road side stop over people gathering by saying Kenya is not ready for democracy.
In 2001 at Afraha stadium, Mr. Moi addressed a very big gathering and most of them were youths. Its at this gathering that Mr. Moi called for the group to lay down their arms for exchange of material things and jobs in the government sector,that was the first time most Kenyans heard about mungiki. This was after this terror group had killed and maimed fellow Kikuyu's in central and rift valley. The gang was famous of killing and even peeling off skin from their victim, it was feared and no one would dare talk about the group.
In 2001 at Afraha stadium, Mr. Moi addressed a very big gathering and most of them were youths. Its at this gathering that Mr. Moi called for the group to lay down their arms for exchange of material things and jobs in the government sector,that was the first time most Kenyans heard about mungiki. This was after this terror group had killed and maimed fellow Kikuyu's in central and rift valley. The gang was famous of killing and even peeling off skin from their victim, it was feared and no one would dare talk about the group.
Believe me or not, Kikuyu's hates these gang and any parent will die to hear that his son has joined them. During the former President Moi reign, the Kikuyu tribe was at the receiving end and most young men failed to secure jobs due to hate compain from Moi colonies, this caused this young men to be idle and hate their owns-self.I believe with some few greedy Kikuyu politicians, Mr. Moi knows knows better how mungiki came to be. Mr. Moi has on more than one occasion held meetings with leaders of mungiki in full views of cameras.
In 2003, the then police commissioner Mr. Philemon Abongo' banned all terror groups, mungiki, Taliban, jeshi la mzee, kosvo among others. To my knowledge the ban still stands and i just wonder where the government is when we see these groups holding meetings.
One of the most re known Kenya politician minister, Hon Michuki will be remembered as one minister that was almost able to eliminate mungiki during his reign as the minister for internal security. The killing of youth associated with mungiki were too many that no young man would dear join the group.
Mungiki has terrorised people and Kikuyu were the most victim of this group,when the police force was dealing with this group, the gang turned their anger against the police and Kikuyus. In Karatina the memories are very fresh of the killing of about 28 young men who were policing their homes/village after the Government failed to protect them. Police force has also had its taste of this gang with several officers being killed, one senior office was killed near his home in cental province an area he was assigned to deal with the group.
Thus, with all this happens, mungiki was a group with its own agenda and killing or forced circumcision has been done not only to Luos but even KKikuyu's ladies, why am i saying this...
ICC chief prosecutor, Ocampo is saying that mungiki was a state organisation with clear goals of killing, tormenting and circumcising Luos by force during the PEV period. Any Kenyans knows very well that this terror gang could in no way work with police force, am not saying they were w not used during the PEV, no but Ocampo should come clear who,where and how the group was used, this group could organize its self within no time and do anything with or without political blessing. One thing i know is that there was a bad blood between the Kenya police force and mungiki and there is no way those two groups would have worked together.
Its my wish to see justice done to all Kenyans who suffered during that period, but am getting worried if at all that will happen. The report we have read from one of the presiding judges shows some weakness in the case from Mr. Ocampo. If this happens, then its going to be pain and sorrow for all those souls killed and the many thousand's Kenyans who lost their properties and still lives in camps.
All Kenyans knows about mungiki and if the case is that, the group was state organization, then there is allot of concern how the investigation were done.
Kibera is one area that was caught in the violence and for two months the area was a no go zone, killings that happened in Kibera ought to be brought forward , burning of the toe market and destruction of property. Some home owners were told to leave and never to return and till today, some of those house are occupied by people who do not pay rent to the owners.
The destruction that happened in Nakuru cannot be compared to what happened in Kisumu, Naivasha and even Kibera, yet Kisumu and Kibera are not covered in the case, why.. ??
Am so worried that we had allot of faith with ICC doing justice for us,but the court seems will not be furnished with proper information/investegations to guide it conclusion.Its going to be shame to see people who planned and bank rolled the violence going free with their normal lives due to poor investigation done by officers who we believed in them.
When you know the truth, the truth shall set us free, and truth will one day come out no matter how many tonnes of lies put on top of it, the pain will be that innocent Kenya were killed, others were jailed (if it will happen), others lost their hard earned properties yet the world was watching and claimed to bring justice to culpits.
If i may be asked i would suggest that if Ocampo fails to justify his case against the six Kenyans, he should be held responsible for injustice in Kenya. Remember since he named them, our politicains forgot all about implementing the new constitution and i wonder what will happen next.
I urge the six suspect to head to The Hague and ague their case, stop all those meeting and talking, thanks to Major Genreal Ali for the silence your case has arleady shwon some loop holes and who knows.... what next.., the possibilities are great, there is a very weak case presented to the judges. But if in one way or another you were part of those plans to kill Kenyans, carry your own cross, and if you know more than what Ocampo knows say it and clear the doubt.
I wish you guys all the best, i wish the Judges all the best and i wish Ocampo same. Lets hear the case.
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