West Gate Mall |
From 20th September all media in Kenya and world at large have been re-visiting the West Mall attack that claimed about 67 people, children women and me from different countries. The terrorism attack shocked the entire Kenya nation and world at large, it reminded every one that war against terror in not for particular nation or people, its for every one.What happened on 23/09/2014, was total show of how inhuman terrorism is, a lot of people still remember the scene like of that young girl ruining towards a rescue officer who will go in books as one person who did this Nation good on that day, I salute you Mr. Haji.
Each and every media house world wide had planned how to remember this attack, video clips that were taken on those four days were back in our screens, pictures, willing sounds and survivors were all over again in our screen and radio. This was a big reminder to all of us the terrorism is with us and we should be on look out everymoment.
I personally went to the mall that same day it was attacked, arriving there around 2015pm. I found alot of people trying all they can to assist the injured and direct others to the safer areas. I thank anyone who did anything to help safe a situation or life, may God bless you.
When the attact started some shoppers called their relatives or friends who came in to help, Kenya police, the recce squad from GSU and the green berets all came with one one purpose, to save as many live as possible.
From what we have seen on media, people like
Mr Haji assisting a child |
Mr Haji and others who are allowed to own weapons and some few police men on duty were the first to react to the attack, later the recce squad from GSU came and give more power with better weapons and skills. Its said that at one point the recce squad had pinned the terrorist to one area, this went well until the green berets guys came in the picture.
From what i have heard been aired and said by reporters, is that when the military came ,things went bad as there was an excahnge of fire between the military and the recce squa officers to a point one officer was killed and another injured.
I do agree that was not a good thing at all to happen and its a big lose when an officer dies from a friendly fire. If i remember well, several times we have heard the world power house USA having her military men killed by friendly fire, thus sometimes this things happens. I do believe no security officer went to the mall with intention of killing a fellow Kenyan, that one i know is a fact.
Kenya Military outside the mall |
Kenya military has being blamed has interfering with the operation that was going on well, one officer said in a local television that the police saw it like being under looked when the military came, while the military on the other side thought the police were not giving them the whole needed formation, this are pure speculations that needs to be verified.
A KDF officer escorting people to safety |
According to one Kenya local media investigation, the narrator says that the mall had about 1500 people at the time of the attack and after the siege ended the Kenya government puts the figure at 67 people. I know its painful to lose you friend or relative in such manner but i think we need to give credit to all who tried to save the situation at the mall. This terrorist had one thing, kill as many people as they can, so although were lost our mothers, sisters, children and friends, we should remember if it was not for the reaction of our security organs ,we do not know how the situation would have been.
I say thanks to civilian who risked their lives entering the mall to save, i say thank you to Kenya police, the military and Kenya red cross the work i witnessed for four days showed how Kenyans love each other when our minds are not spolit by other elements.
Thanks you all and God bless.
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