Saturday 27 February 2016

Kenya Politicians big mouth

Kenya politicians are very interesting people, every day you will hear, read all kind of stories from them, others are facts but others are just own made up stories that will help him/her to be covered by media.

A Kenya politician will invite journalist to cover him/her in a function in his/her home area, knowing very well that there will a good crowd of people to hear him/her. Depending on which coalition he/her comes from , when invited on the podium, the politician will make sure that a bigger percentage of the speech is attacking the other coalition.

In Kenya at the moment we have two major coalition of parties, mainly the coalition of TNA(The National Alliance party of current President Uhuru kenyatta) and URP (United  Republican Party of Deputy President William Ruto),which won last general election and CORD which compromises Orange Party 9Raira Odinga ), Wiper Party (Kalonzo Musyoka)and FORD Kenya party (Moses Watengula).

Its not amazing to hear a Kenya politician saying something to attract his/her followers to an extent it can hurt other communities, but as long it's not his/her community, and the politicians wants to safe guard his elective post, he/she will attack the other party/community to and strength available. But when the same clip is aired on local media out lets, amazing you will hear the same politician denying and saying the media miss-counted him/her.

Even during major occurrence touching the national security , its not amazing to hear a politician talking recklessly just to try to win some votes.

Am disturbed especially when a leader ignores the volubility he can put our solders ,KDF who are fighting in Somalia due to his talk. When KDF cam was attacked and tens of solders killed, i was shocked to hear one of our leaders saying that " The government of the day, should equip our solders with better weapons than Al-shabab. I just wonder if he talked to give Media houses airplay or he meant what he said.

The Kenya Defence Forces is considered as one of the strongest military in the world. According to the Global Firepower Military, Kenya is ranked 46th in the world and 6th in Africa.

The top five military powers according to the website are United States, Russia, China, India and the United Kingdom (

The Kenyan military receives most of its supplies from the US due to its strategic location in Africa and it has a budget of $800 million. The Kenyan military has 186 tanks, 12 rocket projectors, 148 aircraft and 78 helicopters. So when a leader says that our forces are not well equipped is a big joke, it shows we have leaders who will just say anything as long his/her party is not involved.

I remember this leader blasted our military when two KDF solders were killed by gunmen who later run toward a market in Garissa. The KDF answered by bring down the market as it had  became a hiding place for Al-Shabab. Thus i just ask, does our politicians say something because its the way or just to be relevant in media.

KDF has being used all over the world by UN for peace keeping mission. In Sierra Leon, during the civil war, KDF helped to capture most of areas occupied by Foday Sankoh solders . When some of KDF solders and the leader of the contingent got surrounded and captured , after few day, the KDF solders came with a plan of how to escape, Major Phil Ashby, Royal Marine officer and three others officers were saved by KDF.Thus as long the politicians wants to keep our TV sets and radio alive, i think issues concerning Solders should be traded very carefully.

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